微型納米風扇 Micro Nano Fan

獨家代理SAMMAX MOTOR微型纳米風扇系列
Exclusive Agent of SAMMAX MOTOR Micro-Nano-Fan series

微型豉風機 20mm X 8mm 微型豉風機:18mm X 4mm 微型風扇:15mm X 4mm

SAMMAX MOTOR 微型納米風扇:為各實踐客戶打造行動裝置無限可能

SAMMAX MOTOR擁有超過10年的精密馬達和微型風扇產品開發經驗,於2007年成功推出Mighty Mini 微型風扇散熱技術,秏電量最低的創新設計;全系列產品採用環保無鹵材質,並通過防水防塵 IP55 驗證,現已成功導入行動裝置、電腦資訊、網路通訊、消費電子、醫療產業、安全監控等新一代攜帶式產品中。

SAMMAX MOTOR micro-nano fan: for all practical customers to create mobile devices unlimited possibilities

SAMMAX MOTOR has more than 10 years of experience in the development of precision motors and micro-fans. In 2007, we successfully launched the Mighty Mini micro-fan cooling technology, the lowest-power innovative design; the full range of products using environmentally friendly halogen-free material, and IP55 waterproof and dust proof , Has been successfully introduced into mobile devices, computer information, network communications, consumer electronics, medical industry, security monitoring and other new generation of portable products.

納米料技風扇與鼓風扇 1cm 系列
Nano Technology Fan and Wind Drum Fan 1cm Series